Pack Houses

GOGO’s farms are located in Marble Hall and Groblersdal. This area is known as the Loskop Valley, and it offers absolutely perfect conditions for the growing of citrus, among other crops. The soil is rich and there is an ample supply of water from the nearby Loskop Dam. Together, the farms are provided with water to maintain well over   1 000 hectares of potential citrus growing land.
It is here that we grow and nurture hundreds of thousands of citrus trees. It is here that we grow and nurture hundreds of thousands of citrus trees. These well-nurtured trees will ultimately offer up batches of beautiful Navels, Valencias, Lemons, Clementines, and Grapes, that are distributed to the furthest corners of the globe. 
  Size Packing Machines Cartons per Week Tons per Week Containers per Week
Neels Kok 2500m2 Standard role-and-roller system. 10 700 150 t 6
JFK Botha 2500m2 Standard role-and-roller system. 14 400 180 t 9
JJ Gouws Farming 2800 m2 Dormas 16 000 200 t 10
EL Sundew Farming 3300 m2 Optical Vizier 24 000 405 t 15
Tian Kruger Farming 5200 m2 MAF RODA & Dormas 50 000 850 t 32
Total 16 300m2   115 100 1785 t 72